RS228060 - Keelboat Continuous Line Furlers Top-Down Furlers & Adapters

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Sale price$1,865.68 Regular price$2,144.46


Top-down adapter
The Series 280 Furler feature a top-down adapter rather than a dedicated top-down furler. This arrangement provides greater flexibility with code sails and asymmetrics. The adapter can be left on the asymmetric sail when it is stowed, allowing the furler to remain on deck to be used with other sails.

Top-down adapter The Series 280 Furler feature a top-down adapter rather than a dedicated top-down furler. This arrangement provides greater flexibility with code sails and asymmetrics. The adapter can be left on the asymmetric sail when it is stowed, allowing the furler to remain on deck to be used with other sails.
Rope Ø mm
M.W.L.5000*/8000** kg
B. L.16000 kg
Weight2000 g

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