Lanox Mx-4 Lubricant

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Sale price$19.54 Regular price$21.95


Lanox is heavy duty anti-moisture , anti-corrosion lubricant made with a high grade oil and lanolin base with specialised chemical compounds. Contains no silicon, acid, kerosene, or petrol distilates. Harmless to metals, plastics, paints, enamels, fibreglass and neoprene seals. Does not dry out, become sticky, gooey, gum up or wash of with water.

Code Description
954031 300gm Spray can Lanox Lubricant
954106 750mL Pump Spray Lanox Lubricant
954071 5 Litre can Lanox Lubricant
954101 20 Litre can Lanox Lubricant

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