This the fifth edition of Richard Hawkins' well-respected mariner's companion to Port Phillip. It continues to be true to Richard's original aim-to provide a useful guide for all those who go afloat in craft drawing up to three metres, whether sailing, fishing or just cruising. This edition incorporates a host of changes that have been made to the waters of Port Phillip since 2009. This includes channel markers and warning buoys, and information on marinas that are currently under construction. Many of the lists have been revised, in particular those dealing with marinas and dockside fuel availability. In addition, the lists of URLs of websites useful for the boating enthusiasts have been revised and extended. Due to popular demand, the section covering navigation through the heads has been augmented to include three graphics that were removed from the previous edition. These have been redrawn to make the relevant details more easily recognised.We have also introduced a section explaining the meanings of the many abbreviations used in the plans.This should make these plans a little easier to understand.